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by kwakster
Sat May 04, 2024 7:33 am
Forum: Nederland
Topic: Waar komen al die tumoren toch vandaan ?
Replies: 7
Views: 1110

Re: Waar komen al die tumoren toch vandaan ?

In 2019 heb ik helaas de jackpot qua oogproblemen gewonnen, en een van de gevolgen is dat ik nu nog hooguit een kwartiertje achtereen naar een computerscherm kan kijken, daarna gaan mijn ogen pijn doen. Vandaar dat mijn posts alhier ook vaak nogal kort zijn (en mogelijk ook typfouten bevatten) Mijn ...
by kwakster
Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:16 am
Forum: Nederland
Topic: Waar komen al die tumoren toch vandaan ?
Replies: 7
Views: 1110

Waar komen al die tumoren toch vandaan ?

Professor Pierre Capel is emeritus hoogleraar experimentele immunologie aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Hij studeerde biochemie aan de faculteit Wis en Natuurkunde van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en promoveerde op een medisch immunologisch onderwerp.
by kwakster
Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:28 am
Forum: Internationaal
Topic: Amygdaline tegen kanker
Replies: 2
Views: 1068

Amygdaline tegen kanker

Deze documentaire uit de jaren '70 over bittere abrikozenpitjes / amygdaline als middel tegen kanker (gemaakt door een onderzoeksjournalist van naam) bracht het balletje echt aan het rollen in de VS. Het stofje werd echter al sinds 1850 in Rusland gebruikt tegen kanker, en sinds de jaren '20 in de V...
by kwakster
Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:41 am
Forum: Nederland
Topic: Headwind - documentaire van Marijn Poels
Replies: 0
Views: 929

Headwind - documentaire van Marijn Poels Former London banker Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the world's greenest banks. Idealistically driven he financed big wind and solar farms genuinely convinced he was making the world a better place. Gradually he woke up to the fact that today's...
by kwakster
Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:12 am
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: Een nieuw messenstaal DC53
Replies: 5
Views: 1833

Re: Een nieuw messenstaal DC53

Het is in elk geval een Chinese staalsoort, maar ik heb er nog geen enkele ervaring mee.
Veel zo niet alles hangt ook af van de hittebehandeling die het staal meekrijgt, als dat goed gebeurt kan het best wat zijn.
by kwakster
Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:36 pm
Forum: Internationaal
Topic: Niacin, the real story
Replies: 4
Views: 2650

Re: Niacin, the real story

Introduction: Why Should You Read This Book ?

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice there is.


In "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Thomas Kuhn! says that advances in science do not occur in an evolutionary or straight-line manner. Instead, such steps take place in a series of violent revolutions sepa￾rated by long periods of relative peace.
During dramatic uprisings, “one conceptual world view replaces another.”
These intellectual revolts are not random events.
They are promoted by the discovery of significant anomalies: emergent facts that the ruling dominant theory and its supporters fail to adequately explain.
These “exceptions to the rule” are the termites of scientific theory.
As they multiply, they become more and more difficult to ignore.
The newly infected ruling theory weakens until it eventually collapses.
A paradigm shift occurs as another takes its place.
While the drug-based pharmaceutical industry continues to control con￾ventional medicine, its support structure is increasingly termite riddled.
Weaknesses are being illustrated by new highly critical books, with titles such as Deadly Medicine*, Overdo$ed America, and Death by Modern Medicine*.
Of course, the drug-based approach to health will not be abandoned any time soon unless society has a viable alternative, waiting, like an understudy, in the wings.
There it must be quietly attracting its own, more open-minded supporters.
The authors of this book are members of one such group: advocates of orthomolecular (nutrition-based) medicine. They support an approach to human wellness that involves the use, not of drugs, but of substances that naturally occur in the human body.
Niacin is one of these, and as such seems destined to eventually play a significant role in the upcoming, inevitable medical paradigm shift.
It is impossible here to show all the advantages society will gain by switching to nutrition-based medicine.
However, this initial chapter provides a variety of examples drawn from several specific categories of wellness. The remainder of the book seeks to examine, in much more detail, the case that can be made for the far more
widespread use of one such nutrient, niacin, for the prevention and treatment of health issues.
By eating diets that are deficient in essential nutrients, many individu￾als trigger their own chronic degenerative diseases later in life. It has been known for millennia that the basis for health is good nutrition.
Orthomol￾ecular medicine, a description coined in 1968 by Linus Pauling,® goes further.
Pauling describes a medical modality that uses nutrients and normal (that is, “ortho”) constituents of the body in specific optimum quantities as the dominant treatment.
Such health-nutritional relationships have been comprehensively explored most recently by Hoffer and Saul in Orthomol￾ecular Medicine for Everyone: Megavitamin Therapeutics for Families and Physicians’.
It has been further recognized that individuals are unique in their daily requirements for vitamins, minerals, or protein.8 For each nutrient, at least 2.5 percent will need higher levels than the rest of the population.
There are about three dozen nutrients.
Doing the math, it becomes apparent that most people are deficient in something—even if they consume USRDA (United States Recommended Dietary Allowance) nutrient levels every day.
We are all different, and you are a bit different every day.
Illness, medications, age, variations in diet, fatigue, and stress are among the many factors that today can make you different from the you of yesterday. It has been said that you are what you eat.

“Orthomolecular” means the right or the correct molecule.
The name was coined by Linus Pauling in 1968.
Conventional pharmaceuticals tend to be “toximolecular.”
Vitamins and insulin are examples of orthomolecular therapeutic substances.
Chemotherapy would be an example of a toximolecular therapy.

This very orthomolecular concept is true.
But, in a deeper way, you are what you absorb.
To illustrate, as Hof￾fer and Saul point out:

"In regard to nutrients, there may be a problem with absorption in the intestine.
Thus with pernicious anemia, specific areas in the gut that normally absorb vitamin B12, are lacking, or after the vitamin is absorbed it may not be combined effectively into its coenzyme, or it may be wasted or held too tenaciously by some organ system, thus depriving other parts of the body."

We need all the nutrients all the time, in the same way that an aircraft needs all its wheels and wings.
Roger Williams has described a basic concept called the “orchestra principal.”
Just as it is impossible to claim that one instrument in an orchestra is more important than another, so to maintain health, all the nutrients required by the body must be available to ensure well-being.
Though impossible to outline the enormous number of illnesses that can develop as a result of nutritional imbalance, we can illustrate the principle.
It seems likely that calcium and selenium deficiencies promote many cancers,!! excess aluminum and inadequate magnesium and calcium are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, and a lack of sulfur is associated with osteoarthritis. Certainly there are many other wellknown nutrition-illness connections as well.
As will be seen from the remainder of this book, niacin plays an espe￾cially significant role in orthomolecular medicine.
Inevitably, its use will increase as the medical paradigm shift occurs.
Orthomolecular treatments are typically far less expensive than drug-based conventional protocols.
Embracing orthomolecular treatments will make prevention and treatment available to the poor.
If this statement might seem overly ambitious, we might consider this: a single orange may cost one dollar.
It would provide about 50 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C.
A bottle of 100 tablets of vitamin C, 500 mg each, costs about five dollars.
In terms of vitamin content, the orange gives you 50 mg per dollar.
The supplement gives you 10,000 mg per dollar.
There are of course other nutritional factors and advantages to eating oranges, such as sugars, taste, bioflavinoids, and fiber.
However, one cannot easily deny, at least in terms of vitamin C, that the supplement is 200 times cheaper, costing about half a cent for the amount of vitamin C in a one-dollar orange.
Even if your oranges could cost only one-tenth as much, an impossible ten cents each, the supplement is still twenty times cheaper.
The same is true for niacin.
Niacin supplements cost approximately five dollars for 100 tablets of 250 mg each.
That works out to be about 5,000 mg niacin per dollar.
Healthy foods naturally containing significant amounts of niacin cost far more.
Once again, the many nutritional advantages of eating kidneys, liver, whole-grain bread, nuts, and green leafy vegetables are considerable and undeniable. In terms of niacin con￾tent, however, there is no competition. Several dollars’ worth of these foods provides only tens of milligrams of niacin.
Niacin-fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, white bread, and pasta are slightly cheaper niacin sources, but not much.
Interestingly, the fact that milled grains have any niacin at all is due to niacin being added to them in the man￾ufacturing process.
Adding niacin to foods is a form of low-dose sup￾plementation.
The USRDA, which is far too low, is less than 18 mg.
Yet bodily need for niacin varies with activity, body size, and illness.
!+ About half of all Americans will not get even the RDA amount of niacin from their diets.
Niacin’s special importance is indicated in that the US RDA for niacin, which again we say is a very low figure, is actually twenty or more times higher than the RDA for other B vitamins.
Twenty teaspoons will not clean up after a hurricane much faster than one will.
We think that a lack of sufficient niacin is a real and continuing public health problem.
by kwakster
Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:00 pm
Forum: Internationaal
Topic: Niacin, the real story
Replies: 4
Views: 2650

Re: Niacin, the real story


Many people have no idea how many illnesses are caused by too little niacin, and practically no one realizes just how many illnesses can be cured with megadoses of niacin.
It is the authors’ intent to change that.
Our objective is to provide a reader-friendly, problem-solving book.
This book is not nearly so much about the niacin molecule as it is about what can be done with a lot of niacin molecules.
Therefore, this book concentrates on niacin’s clinical benefits in a number of health conditions.
These conditions, successfully treated by pioneering niacin researcher Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., are based on his more than fifty years of medical practice.
Dr. Hoffer, whose capacity for work continually astounded me, began this book at the age of ninety-one. Unfortunately, he died before it was completed.
Medical geographer and professor Harry Foster, our coauthor and long-time collaborator, also suffered untimely death dur￾ing the early stages of writing this work.
So, if you wonder why this book is not thicker and more comprehensive, there you have your main reasons.
This is most certainly not a textbook.
However, standing on the shoulders of these two giants of nutritional science, I have endeavored to add to and complete the existing manuscript without altering Abram’s and Harry’s voices: Harry, the medical theorist and scholar, and Abram, the experienced and courageous physician and researcher.
(You often will find Dr. Hoffer’s voice in this book, in first person, with the initials AH following in parentheses.) The other voice is mine (AWS), that of the teacher, raconteur, and parent.
I am honored beyond measure to have worked for years with Dr. Hoffer and Dr. Foster.
I think Abram Hoffer and Harry Foster were, and will ever be, regarded as two of the great medical innovators of the modern era.
Dr. Hoffer was the world authority on niacin.
This constitutes his final work, of which he said, simply: “This book is designed primarily for cli￾nicians and the public who want to learn more and more about niacin and its wonderful properties.”
I hope this handbook may prove to be a significant part of his legacy, and of real help to all readers.

—Andrew W. Saul
November 2011
by kwakster
Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:47 pm
Forum: Internationaal
Topic: Niacin, the real story
Replies: 4
Views: 2650

Re: Niacin, the real story

Foreword of the book Niacin raises good cholesterol (HDL) more than any known pharmaceutical, while simultaneously lowering total cholesterol, triglycerides, and the most pathogenic form of cholesterol-associated lipoprotein (VLDL). This wide array of generally clinically desirable chemical adjustme...
by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:48 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

The result:

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:47 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

While busy with finetuning the handle the knife slipped out of my rubber coated vise and fell from a measured hight of 1.10 meter on one of the concrete sidewalk tiles which form the floor on my balcony, and landed on the belly part of the edge. I did not try to catch the falling knife :-) To my sur...
by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:47 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

Currently experimenting a bit with different grits of diamond paste on thin cardboard to see what gives both a nice blade finish as well as a good apex. Already found that only removing the burr is not enough to get the sharpest of edges on this steel, i have to continue stropping a bit to also get ...
by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:46 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

How the blade looks after hand regrinding to full convex again on the green silicon carbide side of the Foss combination stone used with WD40 oil.
The new edge angle measures ~20 degrees inclusive.

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:45 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

Regrinding the old jimping / notching using a cordless drill with diamond bit & WD40 oil:

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:44 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

The blade has been hand reground on the Foss 7205 combination stone (burr is partly visible), and a few refining steps on wet & dry SiC paper will follow later.
Now regrinding the swedge with 300 and 600 grit diamond files.

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:44 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

Busy fine sanding the handle surface:

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:43 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

The new leather midsection after rough machine sanding with a cheap Parkside linisher (which i modified so it can do slack belt sanding):

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:43 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

Currently busy with making a new leather midsection for the handle of knife # 2:

by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:42 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

The second knife is a bit worse, also due to the handle's leather midsection which had rotted over time together with a pommel stuck in place. https...
by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:42 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

Re: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

Blade hand reground to it's original full convex blade shape on a Foss 7205 black/green silicon carbide stone used with oil, then refined on 400 grit and 1000 grit SiC wet & dry paper used with oil on glass, and the tiny burr stropped off on hard cardboard with 1.0 micron diamond paste. The new ...
by kwakster
Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:41 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: 2 Swedish Air Force survival knives
Replies: 14
Views: 3060

2 Swedish Air Force survival knives

Recently acquired these two fixed blades made by Swedish manufacturer Pontus Holmberg. According to this website the model was once used as a survival knife for the Swedish Air Force:
by kwakster
Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:34 am
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods
Replies: 7
Views: 2123

Re: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods

@Surfeasy: dat is inderdaad hoe mijn mes eruit zag toen ik het kocht.
by kwakster
Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:00 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: Buk 560 reblade
Replies: 2
Views: 1877

Buk 560 reblade

Just used my last Buck 110 blade on an old & worn Buck 560 from a friend of mine. Had to use the old backspring as i'm all out of new ones, but luckily i still had a new blade, a pivot pin, and a bronze bushing. The new pivot pin wasn't riveted with a hammer, but pressed using a vise and a littl...
by kwakster
Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:57 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods
Replies: 7
Views: 2123

Re: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods

Tested the newly convexed edge with an apex @ ~22.5 degrees inclusive on an old piece of beechwood cutting board. Got quite a bit of microchipping at the very apex but no rippling. The steel might indeed be D2 with an estimated hardness at or slightly above 60 HRC.
by kwakster
Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:56 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods
Replies: 7
Views: 2123

Re: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods

The knife's new home-made Tri-Ad locking mechanism. Exchanged the old stop pin (on the right with 4.97 mm diameter) for a thicker one (on the left with 5.43 mm diameter) made from an old piece of drill bit using a drill press together with an angle grinder, gave the lockbar pivot pin a bit more wigg...
by kwakster
Thu Feb 29, 2024 4:55 pm
Forum: Uitrusting - Gear
Topic: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods
Replies: 7
Views: 2123

Re: Cold Steel AD10 clone mods

This is how the locking mechanism looked when i received the knife. Although it somewhat resembles a tri-ad lock, it's still just a regular backlock. https://i...